Aqui les traigo unas partes de la genial banda sonora que tiene Akame ga Kill! una serie muy buena de la que les voy a hablar a continuacion:
Tatsumi es un chico de campo que llega a la capital del Imperio para
alistarse en el ejército con la intención de ascender rápidamente, ganar
dinero y salvar a su pueblo del hambre debido a los grandes impuestos
que tienen que pagar. Pero al llegar a la ciudad se da cuenta de que no
todo es como él esperaba. Tras presenciar una horrible masacre llevada a
cabo por los corruptos habitantes del imperio y la muerte de sus
amigos, decide unirse a Night Raid, una división del Ejército
Revolucionario que se opone al imperio, que se dedica al manejo de
inteligencia en la capital y lleva a cabo asesinatos solicitados por la
Tatsumi is a fighter who, accompanied by his two childhood friends, sets
off to the Capital in search of a way to make money to assist his
poverty-stricken village. After being separated from his friends in a
bandit attack, Tatsumi unsuccessfully attempts to enlist in the army and
is swindled out of his money in the Capital. He is then taken in by a
noble family, but when an assassin group called Night Raid attacks, he
learns that his noble hosts actually intended to torture and kill him as
they had done with his friends. As a result, he joins Night Raid, which
consists of the swordswoman Akame, a young woman armed with a huge pair
of scissors named Sheele, the string manipulator Lubbock, the armored
warrior Bulat, the sniper Mine, the beast fighter Leone and their leader
Najenda, a former general of the imperial army. Night Raid is also part
of the revolutionary forces assembled to overthrow Prime Minister
Honest, who manipulates the young emperor for his personal gain despite
the rest of the nation falling to poverty and strife.
Pueden tambien encontrar la banda sonora completa en el link:
You can also find the complete soundtrack in the link:
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